And the reason why you’re never going to make it if you continue the way that you are.

What Is
The Islamic Renaissance?

The Islamic Renaissance is an exclusive online community for brothers who are trying to increase their:

👉 piety
👉 wealth
👉 knowledge
👉 physicality

because, in the modern world, it is paramount to maximise every single stat in your life due to all of the FITNAH ON THE HORIZON.

The issue is,
that most young Muslim men;

They have no freedom because they’re tied by the shackles of the corrupt Western government and because of all of this, they will never be able to marry the woman of their dreams,

“The One” is never going to come to them.

Most of them struggle to articulate a sentence without stuttering.

All of us are sold this dream of if we just hit the gym and pray our salah everything will just fall into place, you’re broke and you say,

“Ah Qadr Allah wa Masha Fa’al” but you have done nothing but scroll on TikTok and eat junk food that day.

I tried almost every business model in existence; Dropshipping, Copywriting, SEO, and Social Media Marketing Agency.

And I made absolutely nothing.

That’s when I realised what I was doing wrong, and the whole time it was right in front of my eyes.

And it’s what allowed me to build an aesthetic physique whilst enjoying every minute,

It’s what allowed me to begin to start making money online, it’s like almost everything I touched, turned into gold.

It’s what allowed me to deepen my understanding of the Quran and Sunnah and become an infinitely more pious Muslim.

What if I told you, the only thing you need to do is pivot one everyday part of your lifestyle and it’s

Now you have the opportunity to take the steps necessary to achieve your dream lifestyle of freedom, becoming infinitely stronger, having the wealth you so desired, marrying the woman of your dreams and starting a family of strong pious Muslims.

And it’s your environment.

The Salaf would always surround themselves with high-quality people.

But the problem is, High-quality people are extremely scarce, in a society where degeneracy is normalised,

Finding those brothers with whom you would start a renaissance, feels almost impossible.

Here's how it works

Here’s What you’ll get

✅ Immediate Access to the community of The Islamic Renaissance where all of the brothers are constantly pushing each other and seeking knowledge to become the best versions of themselves.

PRICE: $60 -> $10

✅ Unlimited 30-minute Coaching calls on fitness & business.

PRICE: $997 -> $20

✅ Full Guides on Copywriting and Simple side hustles you can try.

PRICE: $50 -> FREE

✅ Full Library and Curriculum to learning the deen of Allah.

PRICE: $147 -> FREE

✅ Books going deep on Aqeedah, Tafsir, Hadith, Arabic and Fiqh.

PRICE: $50 -> FREE

✅ A FULL In-depth training guide to take your fitness to the next level.

PRICE: $147 -> FREE

✅ A Full Testosterone Guide and Health guide because testosterone levels are being killed and are mandatory for an aesthetic physique.

PRICE: $80 -> FREE

✅ Hours of tapes and voice notes on the right mindset for abundance and good in this life and the next.

PRICE: $80 -> FREE

✅ A Full tutorial to content creation and video editing to land yourself a Halal income source.

PRICE: $147 -> FREE

✅ A library with over 100 self-development books

PRICE: $200 -> FREE

FOR JUST $30/m

So what you're waiting for?